Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Mycorrhizal Bio Fertilizer

Mycorrhizal Bio Fertilizer Manufacturer Release The Farmer Stress By Improving The Yields Of Crops

Mycorrhizal fungi are obligate fungi that predominate in the higher plant roots and soil. Also within crop roots, the mycorrhizal fungus tangles itself at a cellular level that blooms within individual plant cells. Anand agro care’s Mycorrhizal biofertilizer helps in the absorption of water, solubilization of Phosphorus and other essential macro and micronutrient and makes them available to the plants in a consumable form within a short time.

Anand agro care is a leading Mycorrhizal bio fertilizers manufacturers and suppliers. We have and innovative products and currently supplying to our customers. We acquired over 10 years a unique expertise in bio-fertilizers, and Bio pesticides, Bio fungicides etc. We are emerging as an agricultural company committed to research & development, manufacturing and supplying eco-friendly certified organic products. The mycorrhizal bio fertilizers provides protection to the plant from certain pathogen and phytonematodes, and also increases water and nutrient holding capacity of the plant.

mycorrhizal biofertilizer

How Mycorrhizal Bio Fertilizer improves the tolerance of crops?

Mycorrhizal fungi penetrate roots and extend beyond the roots to absorb water and nutrients and deliver them to the plant roots. The filaments bind and aggregate soil particles. Mycorrhizal is obligatory in nature which requires a living host. It makes a symbiotic relationship between fungi and vascular plant which can assimilate plant nutrients from the soil and improve the nutrient uptake capability of the plant.

The mycorrhizae begin symbiotically to associate with plant roots. This helps in water absorption, solubilization of phosphorus, and other essential macro and micro-elements and makes them available to the plants in a consumable form. Mycorrhizal biofertilizer excretes compounds that stimulate the plant to produce additional roots on which fungi can grow. The fibers of fungi retain moisture to bind and aggregate soil particles to improve physical soil conditions for more water infiltration, decreased surface run-off and increased water holding capacity.

Our mycorrhizal biofertilizer manufacturers produces and supplies high quality, research and development advanced agricultural products to the farmers with that efficiently increase crop yields and maintain ethical standards in business operations also ensuring benefit to the farmers and the society at large. They can promote plant growth by enhancing nutrient acquisition and promoting growth hormones. Increase also plant resistance to plant pathogens and root system surface area to better soil nutrient absorption.

Contact us: (0253)2621664

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